Server (Broker) Installation

The installation of Tunneldigger’s server side (broker) is pretty straightforward and is described in the following sections.

OpenWrt Package

If you want to run Tunneldigger’s server side on OpenWrt, you can use the opkg package.

You can add the whole repository as an OpenWrt feed and add package to your firmware.

Getting the Source

If you want to run Tunneldigger from source, it can be retrieved from its GitHub repository by running the following command:

git clone git://

This will give you a tunneldigger directory which contains the broker and the client in separate directories. Server installations only need the broker.


master branch is not necessary stable and you should not be using it in production. Instead, use the latest release. See history for the list of changes.

Operating System

The first thing you need is a recent (>= 5.2.17, 5.3.1, 5.4+) Linux kernel that supports L2TPv3 tunnels. You can find out your linux kernel version using the command uname -a. Older kernels unfortunately have a bug that makes them not work properly. For those kernel, we are maintaining the legacy branch.

We assume the following instructions to work on the distributions listed below. You are welcome to add your distribution if the instructions work and to edit them to make them work.

  • Debian
  • Fedora with the package kernel-modules-extra
  • OpenWrt with the package tunneldigger-broker in the packages repo
  • add your distribution

Kernel Modules

The following modules are required for Tunneldigger operation:

  • l2tp_core
  • l2tp_eth
  • l2tp_netlink


Fedora and RHEL/CentOS blacklist some of these modules by default for security reasons. Ensure you remove the blacklisting from /etc/modprobe.d/l2tp_eth-blacklist.conf and /etc/modprobe.d/l2tp_netlink-blacklist.conf.

Kernel Module Activation on Boot

For the activation of the kernel modules, we recommend adding a file /etc/modules-load.d/tunneldigger.conf with the following content:


Manual Activation of the Kernel Modules

You can also activate the modules using modprobe. A system restart will not load the modules again if you do not create the file as described above.

$ sudo modprobe l2tp_core
$ sudo modprobe l2tp_eth
$ sudo modprobe l2tp_netlink

Check if Modules are Loaded

You can find out if these modules are loaded by running lsmod | grep l2tp. If you get no output, they are not activated. If the modules were loaded successfully, your listing of the modules might look like this:

$ lsmod | grep l2tp
l2tp_eth               16384  0
l2tp_netlink           24576  1 l2tp_eth
l2tp_core              32768  2 l2tp_eth,l2tp_netlink
ip6_udp_tunnel         16384  1 l2tp_core
udp_tunnel             16384  1 l2tp_core

System Packages

Also the following Debian packages are required:

  • iproute
  • bridge-utils
  • python-dev
  • libevent-dev

If you would like to use the already supplied hook scripts to setup the network interfaces, you also need the following packages:

  • ebtables

Since ebtables is also a kernel module, please activate it as described in the Kernel Modules Section.

Note that the best way to run any Python software is in a virtual environment (virtualenv), so the versions you have installed on your base system should not affect the versions that are installed for Tunneldigger.

You can install all of the above simply by running on Debian:

sudo apt-get install iproute bridge-utils python-dev libevent-dev ebtables python-virtualenv

and for Fedora you can use this command:

sudo yum install iproute bridge-utils python-devel libevent-devel ebtables libnl-devel python-pip python-virtualenv


If we assume that you are installing Tunneldigger under /srv/tunneldigger (the scripts provided with Tunneldigger assume that as well), you can do:

cd /srv/tunneldigger
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 env_tunneldigger


Tunneldigger only supports Python 3.

Using the above command ensures the virtualenv is created using a Python 3 interpreter. In case the Python 3 interpreter you would like to use is not located at /usr/bin/python3 you will have to adjust the path accordingly. If your distribution uses Python 3 by default you can usually omit the -p parameter.

This creates a virtual Python environment in the env_tunneldigger folder. This folder can be deleted and recreated as needed using the virtualenv command, should this be required. You can then checkout the Tunneldigger repository into /srv/tunneldigger/tunneldigger by doing:

cd /srv/tunneldigger
git clone

Next you have to enter the environment and install the broker alongside its dependencies:

source env_tunneldigger/bin/activate
pip install tunneldigger/broker


The broker must be given a configuration file as first argument, an example of which is provided in l2tp_broker.cfg.example. There are some options that must be changed and some that can be left as default:

  • address should be configured with the external IP address that the clients will use to connect with the broker.
  • port should be configured with the external port (or ports separated by commas) that the clients will use to connect with the broker.
  • interface should be configured with the name of the external interface that the clients will connect to.
  • Hooks in the hooks section should be configured with paths to executable scripts that will be called when certain events occur in the broker. They are empty by default which means that tunnels will be established but they will not be configured.

Hook scripts that actually perform interface setup. Examples that we use in production in wlan slovenija network are provided under the scripts/ directory. The configuration file must contain absolute paths to the hook scripts and the scripts must have the executable bit set.

There are currently four different hooks, namely:

  • session.up is called after the tunnel interface has been created by the broker and is ready for configuration at the higher layers. (Example of such a script is found under scripts/
  • session.pre-down is called just before the tunnel interface is going to be removed by the broker. Notice that hooks are executed asynchonously, so by the time this script runs, the interface may already be gone. Thus you probably want to use session.down instead.
  • session.down is called after the tunnel interface has been destroyed and is no longer available.
    (Example is found under scripts/
  • session.mtu-changed is called after the broker’s path MTU discovery determines that the tunnel’s MTU has changed and should be adjusted. (Example is found under scripts/
  • broker.connection-rate-limit is called when a IP address tries to connect connection_rate_limit_per_ip_count times within connection_rate_limit_per_ip_time seconds. (Example is found under scripts/

Please look at all the example hook scripts carefully and try to understand them before use. They should be considered configuration and some things in them are hardcoded for our deployment. You will probably have some different network configuration and so you should modify the scripts to suit your setup. The examples also document the command-line argument passed to the hooks.

Example hook scripts present in the scripts/ subdirectory are set up to create one bridge device per MTU and attach L2TP interfaces to these bridges. They also configure a default IP address to newly created tunnels, set up ebtables to isolate bridge ports and update the routing policy via ip rule so traffic from these interfaces is routed via the mesh routing table.

  • Each tunnel established with the broker will create its own interface. Because we are using OLSRv1, we cannot dynamically add interfaces to it, so we group tunnel interfaces into bridges.
  • We could put all tunnel interfaces into the same bridge, but this would actually create a performance problem. Different tunnels can have different MTU values – but there is only one MTU value for the bridge, the minimum of all interfaces that are attached to that bridge. To avoid this problem, we create multiple bridges, one for each MTU value – this is what the example scripts do.
  • We also configure some ip policy rules to ensure that traffic coming in from the bridges gets routed via our mesh routing table and not the main one (see Traffic between bridge ports is not forwarded (this is achieved via ebtables), otherwise the routing daemons at the nodes would think that all of them are directly connected – which would cause them to incorrectly see a very large 1-hop neighbourhood. This file also contains broker-side IP configuration for the bridge which should really be changed.

Note that you do not actually need to have the same configuration, this is just something that we are using at the moment in wlan slovenija network. The scripts should be very flexible and you can configure them to do anything you want/need.

The example hook scripts require that the routing daemon (like olsrd) be configured with the Tunneldigger bridge interfaces.


After you configured Tunneldigger, you can run the broker:

cd /srv/tunneldigger
/srv/env_tunneldigger/bin/python -m tunneldigger_broker.main /srv/tunneldigger/broker/l2tp_broker.cfg